Contact Dermatitis-Table of Contents

Contact Dermatitis- Sensitizer Type

An allergic eczematous contact dermatitis is produced, and the causes of this are usually fabric finishes, dyes, oils, tars, rubber, soap, cosmetics and perfume, insecticides, wood resins, plants, paints, plastics, glues, fiber glass, metals, polishes, ointments (home remedies) and occupational hazards (e.g., lithographers).

The sensitization type of allergic eczematous contact dermatitis usually occurs anywhere from 5 to 7 days and occasionally as long as 20 days after the initial or sensitizing contact, at the site of contact. There are no circulatory or otherwise detectable antibodies produced, although there is a local tissue allergy. This condition is usually, though not invariably life-long. The most common sensitizers are plants, paraphyenylenediamine, nickel, rubber components and the dichromates.(ref. 1)

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