History Taking
It often helps to look at a skin problem before you get a history
and examine it in more detail.
The assessment may be obvious.
General History
Get general history of present illness by asking the following
- How did the probelm start? Did it start as an insect
bite, an injury, a scratch, a pimple, etc.?
- What is the problem like now?
- Where exactly is the skin problem?
- genitals turn to page 129
- anus turn to page 75
- What does it feel like? Is there any pain, itching or burning?
- If itching, is the itching worse at certain times of the day
or night?
- What makes it better or worse?
- Hot water, sweating, eating certain foods, wearing certain
kinds of clothing?
- Does patient have other skin problems, such as :swelling of
skin (edema)? If so, where?
- History of skin disease?
Recent history:
- If rash, has patient used something on the skin that
may irritate or cause allergic reaction?Examples: medicines: spray,
powder, cream?
- a new soap?
- a commercial chemical?
- new clothing?
Past Health History
- Illnesses:
- Asthma?
- Hay fever?
- Kidney disease?
- Diabetes?
- Allergies? If so:
- What is the patient allergic to?
- What happens when patient has a allergic reaction?
- What medicine has patient taken for this problem?
- Medicines: what medicines is the patient taking now?
- Immunizations:
- When was last TETANUS shot?
- If patient is a child, review immunization card to see if
it is up to date.
1.3 Other History
- Does patient have any other complaints, such as:
- feeling sick, weak or tired?
- fever or chills?
- stuffy nose? runny nose?
- sore throat?
- shortness of breath?
- joint pain or swelling (arthritis)?
- Does anyone else at home have the same problem?
- Is there a family history of the same problem?