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CASE HISTORY: This 82 year old patient presents with a history of an irregular nevus on the right scalp for several months. |
Click on the individual images for magnification. |
Physical Examination: a 14 mm assymetrical brown and tan macule on the right parietal scalp. | |
Microscopic Findings: The epidermis is expanded in
a lentiginous and reticulate pattern by a population of
atypical nevomelanocytic cells. Percolation of this
population to the upper epidermis is present, while others
cluster to form poorly organized theques. | |
EMAIL your diagnosis to
the Internet Dermatology
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clinical and pathology slides to be scanned in.
Global Dermatology Grand Rounds
Rhett J. Drugge, M.D., Founding Editor
50 Glenbrook Road
Stamford, CT 06902 USA
Phone: (203) 324-5719
If you email your case, please include compressed jpeg
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